Salmon Pastrami

Whether you are serving this with a side of vegetables or looking to diversify your sandwich offering this Salmon is sure to be a hit.  


1 T. (15 ml) black peppercorns
1 T. (15 ml) dried thyme
3 bay leaves crumbled
1 t. (5 ml) whole cloves
2 T. (30 ml) minced garlic
1/3 C. (70 ml) crushed juniper berries
4 C. (946 ml) water
1/2 C. (118 ml) packed brown sugar
1/2 C. (118 ml) Kosher salt
1 side of fresh salmon
1/4 C. (59 ml) coarsely ground black peppercorns


Bring water to a boil, add all above ingredients except salmon and coarse black pepper. Refrigerate until cold. Place salmon in a glass or stainless pan, cover with brine and refrigerate for 24 hours. Remove salmon from brine, rinse with cool water and pat dry. Coat the salmon with the crushed peppercorns and place on an icing rack with a sheet pan under. Place in the Alto-Shaam smoker and cold smoke for 30 minutes. Wrap in plastic wrap and store in the refrigerator for at least 48 hours before serving.

Thinly slice the salmon and serve with pickled red onions.

This makes a great sandwich!!

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